Jobs growth: 561,800 locals, 611,700 foreigners – 441,508 new PRs, 218,916 new citizens?


How many of the 561,800 locals’ jobs growth in the last decade went to Singaporeans, when we granted 441,508 new PRs and 218,916 new citizens? 

In the run-up to the United States midterm elections – one of the most hotly debated achievements of the Trump administration is that “almost 3.9 million new jobs have been created since President Trump was elected“.

This got me thinking – what about jobs growth in Singapore?

According to the Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) web site – Employment Change was 1,173,500 from 2007 to 2017.

The breakdown is 561,800 locals (citizens and PRs) and 611,700 foreigners.

Since 441,508 new PRs and 218,916 new citizens were granted from 2007 to 2017 – how many of the 561.800 locals’ jobs growth went to Singaporeans?

Since the statistics can be disclosed for including and excluding Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW), and the unemployment statistics into Singaporeans, PRs and foreigners – there is absolutely no reason why the data cannot be broken down for the employment growth to Singaporeans, PRs and foreigners?

After all, isn’t this arguably, in the public interest, and in line with the online falsehoods’ committee’s recommendation that the Government should give the reasons for decisions not to disclose information to the public, and to gain the trust of the public?

Leong Sze Hian

About the Author

Leong Sze Hian has served as the president of 4 professional bodies, honorary consul of 2 countries, an alumnus of Harvard University, authored 4 books, quoted over 1500 times in the media , has been a radio talkshow host, a newspaper daily columnist, Wharton Fellow, SEACeM Fellow, columnist for theonlinecitizen and Malaysiakini, executive producer of Ilo Ilo (40 international awards), Hotel Mumbai (associate producer), invited to speak more than 200 times in about 40 countries, CIFA advisory board member, founding advisor to the Financial Planning Associations of 2 countries. He has 3 Masters, 2 Bachelors degrees and 13 professional  qualifications.