
Govt’s lawyers (AGC) awarded $22,400 legal costs & disbursements from poor unvaccinated litigants who were losing their jobs, in their Judicial Review, which affects more than 100,000 non-fully vaccinated S’poreans?…/crowdfunding…/Crowdfunding “In summary, the Class Action (coordinated by TR Emeritus) was primarily in respect of the Covid-19 discriminatory measures allowing employers to terminate non-fully…

Ratio of deaths vax with booster to non-fully vax Breaking news: Ratio of Deaths of Fully vaccinated (with booster) to Non-fully vaccinated 0.84 : 0.08 (23 Jun) Moving Average of Deaths, per 100k…

Biggest Govt spender: MOH (1st), MOD (2nd) The Ministry with the highest total expenditure is the Ministry of Health (MOH), followed by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) However, there may arguably,…